There are certain threads in humanity that have a deep resonate ring in the heart, no matter creed, culture, background, up bringing or origin of birth. REDEMPTION is one of those threads.
PAX has begun a study through the the first part of Exodus highlighting this theme "REDEMPTION:: An Exodus of Soul Changing Proportions"
Since starting this series four weeks ago I can honestly tell you that I was not quite prepared for what God might be doing in the under current of our city, on our streets, our Church, our small groups, our family relationships and in our larger sphere of influences.
A quick snap shot::
We have had some deep tragic struggles: of shootings in our neighbourhood -about 500yrds from our front door- Out of which PAX was offered a unit in a housing development to use as a site for doing anything that would bring value to our community - and I was asked to sit on a community surround board.
We have seen five individuals (directly connected or in families of PAX) come to an understanding of their need for Christ as their Way, Truth and Life.
We have seen our Value Discipleship Groups (peer to peer small groups) grow to the place where approx. 90% of those attending are in or in the process of joining into these groups where we intentionally press the Gospel into each others lives.
We have seen a consistent traction being made in the both the favor and influence of people in PAX serving and drawing others into the community of Church. (numerical growth is o.k. if you press the numbers to repentance and mission and not merely morals and attending)
We have seen God using the very common gifts of life on life and the personalities of our people to create a buzz of God doing something among us.
We are being pressed to find a new physical location to use as a greater presence and place of influence to our community {both for worship and ministry site).
We have seen several young leaders be drawn into a full time discovery of what Church Planting and Streetlevel ministry looks like (we are preparing to develop a streetlevel internship and a churchplanter internship with two different candidates)
We consistently have regular outsiders coming to PAX for clarity, understanding, direction and as a possible resource for starting a renewed work of the Gospel in their place of influence/call (church, universities, colleges, streetlevel ministries)
We are constantly humbled by God's ability to use stammering lips and stumbling leadership to bring about a broken dependence on the work of Christ in us.
ALL THIS "braggin" to illustrate:: The first part of Exodus is a testimony of God's quiet yet direct preparing of his people for an incredible work of redemption. First couple of chapters of Exodus we get a picture of struggle and tragedy, than we are introduced to a very sketchy "Deliverer" - until we are finally brought to a place where we are introduced to the REAL DELIVERER- and it ain't Moses!
There are some definite big boy steps that PAX is getting ready to take... perhaps we are moving out of a toddler stage of new church? But just so you clearly know- REDEMPTION is being worked out in PAX and it ain't by the hand of PAX!
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