This series is going to look at something that several of the puritan writers referred to as the graces being formed in the lives of those who have been deeply affected by THE Grace of God.
THE Grace is the evidence of God's love being so great towards us that He would satisfy His own holiness by sending His Son Jesus to justify our 'owe' accounts. He dies in our place, undergoing the fullness of God's wrath for sin and exchanges, in those who by faith believe, our earned wages of death (because of our sin) for His right standing before God.... AND SHARE IN ALL THE SPIRITUAL RICHES THAT CHRIST HOLDS as the Son of God.
This is what the Bible means when you read things like, "For by GRACE are we saved through faith, it is not of ourselves lest anyone should boast" (from Ephesians)
Paul says it a whole lot better and in a much deeper, fuller, incredible way all over the New Testament but one of the best places is here: Romans 3:21-31
The Puritan theologians wrote about those who have spent time understanding such great a grace will begin to be transformed from the inside-out! The graces will begin to form and show evidence in their lives. The spiritual graces are different than spiritual gifts- they are more like the spiritual fruits that Paul instructs us will show in the lives of those who are living a true spiritual life.
Shortening this post up- the graces that we will be looking at are ones that need to mark those who are the spiritual leaders of the churches in Crete:: and those which should mark the life of every one who has been truly affected by God's grace-
A GRACE DRIVEN OBEDIENCE [from baptism to communion and beyond]
Because of such a Grace from God- we will see a growing reality of grace in our everyday lives...
Wonderful treatment and commentary on the grace of God. When a human being commits a crime against another human being, those touched by this crime would be enraged if a judge allowed this peron to go free and unpunished. Interestingly, we somehow think God should act this way in the court of heaven toward sinners. He, of course, cannot fail to mete out justice, being the holy God that He is. As you so clearly articulated, thankfully provision has been made through Jesus Christ by which God can "justly" forgive us of our sins. Jesus Christ died in our place, enduring judgment in our stead. What a glorious truth, and I thank God as often as I remember for His all sufficient and free grace.
Thanks for the shout out; Have wondered lately how often we who are in churches that focus on such a great grace in Christ- often miss the "after affects" of this grace in daily living. Grace is not only for salvation but also THE PLACE to begin and continue in growing in Christ. -Amazing Grace!
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